The Philippine Gazette


The Philippine Gazette
Issue Date
Volume 1 (Issue No.5) December 1946
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
extracted text
TYPHOON KILLS 260 PERSONS IN THE PHILIPPINES _\I_-\:-; I LA. - Presidential Secrctarv Emilio Ab.Ito \"esterday reported 260 urban deaths i1; a dis~strous typhoon 1·.·hich struck the Isobela Plain oi '.\' egros bland. :\ovember 12. and unofiicial estimate placed the total as high as 500. :\o deaths oi American personnel \\"ere reported_ The _\lanila Bulletin said at least 500 persons were missirg and feared drowned. a,; hean· iloods followed the terrific "·inds. Sor;1e villages \\"ere demolished. :\Jany sectors oi the lsabela Plain re•1ained under water yesterday_ MARINES CLEARED BY FILIPINO INQUIRY _\JA:\'ILA, '.':ov. 17 -The presidential palace today published a report by Representative Ramon _\Jagsaysay 'upporting Filipino charges of manhandling by lJ nited States _\Iarine guards .or Olongapo '.\'a val Base but stating that '"these were isolated cases, not following ~:1y set pattern." The representative, \\"ho conducted an investigation, had found three Filipino civilians who said thev were handled roughly hy the -''larin;s but that they had nor brought it to the attention of _-\::1erican authorities. WILLET & KINT ANA UNION .SERVICE Lubrication rire Repairing 601 L STREET NAVLET FLOWER SHOP "Say it with flowers" TENTH & L STREETS STORE PHONES: 3-3989-3-3980 FISH IGNORE CLERGY COOS BAY, Oregon-Five m1n1sters, and a missionary from \Vest Africa went fishing in the bay. They did not even get a nibble. "Sirs, you don't liv..right," has been the good naturrd taunt fro:n the members of their flock. 18,000 FILIPINOS DIE YC:ARL Y OF BERIBERI Dr. Robert \Villiams, guest scientist oi the Philippine government, rrvralcd that 18,000 Filipinos die yearly of beriberi in his speech made recently at th<' Philippine Central College, at Jaro, I!iolo, Philippines. Dr. Williams declared, "that the lack of vitamin BI" is t!:e root of the trouble. Dr. \Villiams is investigating for the Philippine government a method to fortify the vitamins in rice. MANY ARE RELIGIOUS :\'E\V YORK-An estimated 50 per cent oi the United States population are church members. I']_ -- -~--1'1 CAPITAL J.EWERLY 011'/,\0NDS i,:r WATCHES i,:r RADIOS Old Gold Bought WATCH REPAIRING PHONE 3-4330 62S J Street Sacramento CITY DYE WORKS Stc:.rilizing 'f:i Moth Proofing ~ Cleaning . Upholstered Furniture, Rugs, Mattresses PHONE 2-4431 1217 5th St., Sacramento -12
A GIRL FOR MR. AND MRS. PETE ANTONIO llr. and llr>. Pete Antonio of \Voodland are proud parents. A baby boy was born September 2~th at \Voodland County hospital. Her name is Glenda Jo,·ce. Glenda and the mother are doing fi~e. PRESIDENT ROXAS REVEALS DEFENSE BASE PACT WITH UNITED STATES CAl-IP O'CONNEL, P. I., Nov. 30 -Philippine President l'1anuel A. Roxas declared todav in a National Heroes' Day address that an agreement has been reached permitting the United States to establish bases in the Islands for mutual defense. President Roxas was· speaking to the V nited States Army reformed division of the Philippine Scouts and at the course of his speech he said that "we have an agreement with the United States permitting her to establish bases here for mutual defense of our two countries." NITZ CUT RATE DRUG STORE 1230 4th Street SACRAMENTO GEORGE L. BERNOUDY TELEPHONE 3-888< 1111t/, 3rd ST., SACRAMENTO, CALIF. CAPITAL I LUMBER-WRECKING CO. Telephone 2-1525 431 North 12th STREET SACRAMENTO 15, CALIF. ~· PHILIPPINE DAMAGE CLAIMS TO BE ACCEPTED WASHI~GTON, !"\ov. 2-l-Philippine war damage commissioner officials say they will begin accepting claims in Manila after the first of the year. They accept between 900,000 and I 00,000 claims from both Filipinos and Americans. . The United States government will pay. for war damages whether they were caused by the Japanese or United States military forces. E. Desamito LICENSED AND DOMD'.;D FARM LABOR CONTRACTOR Phone 9-3679 Uconse No. L-28 RT. 3, BOX 350, SACRAMENTO, CALIF. D ~..,...~~ Co O.ME··:i;::~~~NG • KAl.FTONES c ··u y· s El£CTROTYPIS JlllC ETCHINGS DRAWINGS TELEPHONE 3-2748 916 SIXTH ST., SACRAMENTO, CALIF. WLIUS GENE CHICKEN SHACK HOME OF SOUTHERN FRIED CHICKEN SerfJetl witli [-lot Biscuits Lunch from 11 a. m. lo 2 p. m. 1324 3rd STREET, SACRAMENTO Phone 3-4368 -8
THAT'S TOO MUCH Ex-secretary of commerce, Henry A. \Vallace points out that 9+ per cent of every dollar Li ncle Sam expends goes to pay for past \rars. to care for \\·ar victims and to prepare for the next war. KUROKO STUDIO Sacramento CITY TAXI Phone 2-6955 The Creom and Block Cobs 100% Union "'Look for the Green light" 10271/2 SIXTH STREET SACRAMENTO Arrow Shirts Stetson Interwoven Sox . Corner Sth & Kay Streets SOUTH SIDE MOTOR CO. General Mechanical Service Complete Motor Overhaul Ports, Accessories Doy, Night Parking Phone 2-6898 "We Never Close" 516 L STREET SACRAMENTO ANIMALS TAKING TO CHURCH WILMINGTON, Del., Nov. 28Parishioners oi fashionable Christ Episcopal Church today revived a practice of Biblical da)'s by bringing live animals, canned goods, clothing and furniture to Thanksgiving services as gifts to the poor. International Barber Shop E·uko M. Cipriono, Proprietor It Pa.1•s lo Look ff/ ell 41 llAIN STREET P. 0. BOX 764. JS1 ETOM, CALIF. ! Ed. E. Noakes Typewriter Co. 11q J STREET DIAL 3-2449 SACRAMENTO, CALIF. BATAAN GROCERY 1401 4th STREET SACRAMENTO t LEE'S Fifth St. Used Clothing Store We buy and sell GOOD uied clothing Phone 2-HYO Residence l-2473 Entrance In Alley 1114A 5th St. (Basement). Sacramento BRIGHT SPOT MARKETS 230 L STREET, PHONE 3-2688 430 N STREET, PHONE 2.5qq1 Socromento, California -9
CHECK HAND-WRITTEN WASHINGTON-A federal law requires that the president's salary check be written by hand. BROTHER, INJUSTICE! DU QUOIN, Ill.- Willie Foster told the judgr he shoved his former girl friend and her husband into a creek, because his rival, 11 stole my girl friend, my fi~hing pole and my wonns." A~N-C Market GROCERY-FRESH MEAT FISH-SODA FOUNTAIN FREE DELIVERIES TO CAMPS "Jl.,fost 1l1odern Market Edward Pocificor, General.Manager Phone 2-431 45 Main St., Isleton, Calif. NORTHENIAN CAFE . Victor Regonan, Prop. 310 L STREET SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA VICTORY BARBER SHOP Treat Yourself to !lie Best TELEPHONE 3-2487 JU LIAN G. GADIA. Proo. 32 JI/, L STREET SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA ATTORNEY ADEVA IS APPOINTED CONSUL GENERAL FOR SAN FRANCISCO Attorney :VIanuel A. Adeva has recently arrived from Manila via the Philippine-owned passenger airliner to take on his office in San Francisco as consul general for the Philippine Republic. lVI r. Adeva is well-known here in the United States and the Filipinos here in California love and respect him. The biggest Filipino population in California, some 20,000, centers in this area. The Filipino Church of Christ of Sacramento joins with the Philippine government in invoking blessings for Mr. Adeva, Mr. ]. C. Dionisio, M. S. Cabatitt who assist him and all those who work with him in his office. l!l FILIPINO HOME GROCERY Ricardo Gales, Prop. P. 0. Bo, 283 FIRST STREET, WALNUT GROVE WATCH REPAIRING Watchmaker - Jeweler - Engraver G. E. NESS Sacramento 1027 6th Street Three Doors From K Street "Keep yourself well remembered by J•our frimds" PHONE 2-1374 1017 9th STREET Sacramento, California JOHNSTONE'S BOOTERY QUALITY SHOES For the Enlire Family J. H. JOHNSTONE Dial 2-7457 518 K ST., SACRAMENTO -7
CHECK HAND-WRITTEN WASHINGTON-A federal law requires that the president's salary check be written by hand. BROTHER, INJUSTICE! DU QUOIN, Ill.- Willie Foster told the judgr he shoved his former girl friend and her husband into a creek, because his rival, 11 stole my girl friend, my fi~hing pole and my wonns." A~N-C Market GROCERY-FRESH MEAT FISH-SODA FOUNTAIN FREE DELIVERIES TO CAMPS "Jl.,fost 1l1odern Market Edward Pocificor, General.Manager Phone 2-431 45 Main St., Isleton, Calif. NORTHENIAN CAFE . Victor Regonan, Prop. 310 L STREET SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA VICTORY BARBER SHOP Treat Yourself to !lie Best TELEPHONE 3-2487 JU LIAN G. GADIA. Proo. 32 JI/, L STREET SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA ATTORNEY ADEVA IS APPOINTED CONSUL GENERAL FOR SAN FRANCISCO Attorney :VIanuel A. Adeva has recently arrived from Manila via the Philippine-owned passenger airliner to take on his office in San Francisco as consul general for the Philippine Republic. lVI r. Adeva is well-known here in the United States and the Filipinos here in California love and respect him. The biggest Filipino population in California, some 20,000, centers in this area. The Filipino Church of Christ of Sacramento joins with the Philippine government in invoking blessings for Mr. Adeva, Mr. ]. C. Dionisio, M. S. Cabatitt who assist him and all those who work with him in his office. l!l FILIPINO HOME GROCERY Ricardo Gales, Prop. P. 0. Bo, 283 FIRST STREET, WALNUT GROVE WATCH REPAIRING Watchmaker - Jeweler - Engraver G. E. NESS Sacramento 1027 6th Street Three Doors From K Street "Keep yourself well remembered by J•our frimds" PHONE 2-1374 1017 9th STREET Sacramento, California JOHNSTONE'S BOOTERY QUALITY SHOES For the Enlire Family J. H. JOHNSTONE Dial 2-7457 518 K ST., SACRAMENTO -7
CHECK HAND-WRITTEN WASHINGTON-A federal law requires that the president's salary check be written by hand. BROTHER, INJUSTICE! DU QUOIN, Ill.- Willie Foster told the judgr he shoved his former girl friend and her husband into a creek, because his rival, 11 stole my girl friend, my fi~hing pole and my wonns." A~N-C Market GROCERY-FRESH MEAT FISH-SODA FOUNTAIN FREE DELIVERIES TO CAMPS "Jl.,fost 1l1odern Market Edward Pocificor, General.Manager Phone 2-431 45 Main St., Isleton, Calif. NORTHENIAN CAFE . Victor Regonan, Prop. 310 L STREET SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA VICTORY BARBER SHOP Treat Yourself to !lie Best TELEPHONE 3-2487 JU LIAN G. GADIA. Proo. 32 JI/, L STREET SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA ATTORNEY ADEVA IS APPOINTED CONSUL GENERAL FOR SAN FRANCISCO Attorney :VIanuel A. Adeva has recently arrived from Manila via the Philippine-owned passenger airliner to take on his office in San Francisco as consul general for the Philippine Republic. lVI r. Adeva is well-known here in the United States and the Filipinos here in California love and respect him. The biggest Filipino population in California, some 20,000, centers in this area. The Filipino Church of Christ of Sacramento joins with the Philippine government in invoking blessings for Mr. Adeva, Mr. ]. C. Dionisio, M. S. Cabatitt who assist him and all those who work with him in his office. l!l FILIPINO HOME GROCERY Ricardo Gales, Prop. P. 0. Bo, 283 FIRST STREET, WALNUT GROVE WATCH REPAIRING Watchmaker - Jeweler - Engraver G. E. NESS Sacramento 1027 6th Street Three Doors From K Street "Keep yourself well remembered by J•our frimds" PHONE 2-1374 1017 9th STREET Sacramento, California JOHNSTONE'S BOOTERY QUALITY SHOES For the Enlire Family J. H. JOHNSTONE Dial 2-7457 518 K ST., SACRAMENTO -7
CHRISTMAS WITH CHRIST !h Rr,,. riant.· A. Zambra In the language of Saint Luke it says that "there \\·ere shepherds keeping their ilrn:k by night. "'hen, lo. the angel of tlic Lord came upon them, and the glory oi the LorJ shone upon them." and to their happy ears \\'ere uttered the good tidings of great jo1·. that unto them " ·ere born that dal' in the cin· of David a Sa1·ior. "'hich. \\·a., Christ ihc Lord. The place in "'hich the Lord "·as born wa,; associated "·ith po1·erty and humbleness. A. man must \\·ork hard if he ,,.a,,terl to live. The entire countn• and •he 11·hole \\'Orld \\'as corrupt. Kings and "1tlers 11·ere cruel. The1· \\'ere thirst1· of blood and ha1·ing no. moral stancfard. they practiced sla'1·en· and treated men as be;-sts of burden. It was a verv sinful world. That God could destro~ it but because of the rainbow it \\'as n~t done. Instead he sent His only begotten son here on earth, born as flesh to live on earth as man. tempted in all points as ordinary man will be. te!llpted, yet crnnmitted no sin .. . . ft \\'3S a perfc•:t example. If a man will follow Him. he could be perfect and live in this \\'Orld a jK'rfrd lifr. ~rlw 1.:it~ oi Sal·ra11H'11to (0111p!('1c"I ie:.: •kroration:' a tla\· heiore Ot·c\'rnlwr l:'t. That is ahead ;,i time. .-\11d tlw cil\· looks like a iairy land. It is ht•autiiul "·IH'IT\"l'r \·ou turn i n the h11sirw~ ... ... t·nio11 r>t. Ka,- a1:d lay Street-.: thi_, j, tht· mn:--t happ~· Chri:'tm:1" dailr p·.·1·11ic the :'tn·amin!.! on the :-idn·:a];, .... Jrt ,:'.: :'tore tn :'ton·: shopping like a111'. ·r !w·. ''·a:·;t<•d to hu ~· ;!iits ro he p1T"i.,-.r :·d !•' their l<)\Td 01:r~. a-.: rill· \\'i:-;t· .\J .. , ~ · ·,;:;: ti'(" 1-::?:->t ;if~HO:-"f _?()()!) \"t':1r.; ;t .~(I b~·1 0: ::~ !1· dwir p;·1·•io11s g i lt~ to th~· 111:t11;!('r. T11 i1 · fH'f':"."r·tl'· 1 to ;hr S;l\·i11r of th~· \\nrld. ·1 ·1w \Vi:-.l' \It·n from tl1t· Fast i...·a111r to \\Hf:-:.hip rhr S;l\·io ··. '!') 1·\· \'."·'.'l"i' ,.,.j c :·. ~c ; J thl'\' all kn .. ,._. th" ...;c ·rer... a11d k111J\dl'dgl' of rht· \\"orld \Tt rlwr ,·;1!nc tn , 1 .-o;·:'hip thl' I .ord. '!"hes:· m··r; \1:;irit1·d t•• he \~·isl'r anti he:t• .T ml'n. 'l'h:it is d h· r:·:lson \\-h\ ther 1·:111w from a di:-1.ranr plan'. _ iust fo h~· ;tt tl11 : i11si:.!11ifit.·;t1lf littl1· r~·· ··1 d llethld1em. I :!tcr in tht lifl' of l'hri~t r1of .. uh ki1•g:; and queen:-> \\"orshipcd H i!11 h11· :ol:-o m.;1s~cs of people "·ho \\"Crr poor ;111 d i'!POrant. For thcv \\"anted to hr \\"ist· aw.I ~~nod. 1~he\' h~n· sah·ation the minute they accept;·d Christ as the Lor1l oi their fi,·rs. This apnlics to all natinrio; of th<' 11·hole "·orl1l. Ii thev embrace an1l oc1·en:- Christ and mak.c..• th~· tl·a1.:hi11_ :.!:s ot" Christ the fou ndation oi their )!O\Trnrwnts, rhcr will be a great country rhe mosc progrt'ssin· for the tearhings of Christ is tht· most d rnamil.: a11d prorrrc..;:-;1vc. It is n·oluti~nan· and n·voftrtionar\' religion. I-I c ;aid tn His disciples .th:it tl~e n~\,. \\"i1·r needs a llC\\' skin and old 11·ine needs old skin. That means to say that ne\\' spirit of Christianitl' is onfy fit to a nc11· world . . . a new .social ~rdcr. That is the complett· brotherhood of men and nations. Thr.t, they must go together as brothers arc doing for the)' belong to one hnuse and one Father and that the)' arc all brothers. Wh)', men today do not think they arc all brother> for the other is "'hite and th<- other is bro\\'n, the other is vellow a:ul the other is black. But thev ~re all (Continued on :'\ext Pag~) -1-4( l'ontinul'd from Page H) ,.,istakl'n for th':\. are al I brothers tin·,· all c:-tm<· frn;n the ··ame Fatlu·1· nnl ~ gco;.!:ranll\ s:paratt'd thr:1' ;~nd the c·li1;1atl' madt·. th"lll l·harP:· e:-.:tl'rn:11l .. 1~11t till'\' arl" hrnthl"r.-.. 'rh··r ,,.;11 iin.11 it 011t l:;tcr tor th<·' realk do not k110\,. rh:t~ 10.!:1\. 'l'h · l·n;~<.1 ";1t:o .. .., tn·la~ i-. ti\ i11~ to p11t th:·•11 tn[!:ethl'r. '"rlw ti!l~\' c1i:11e-. 1.\-ht·1~ thn :ill ~rl't tOr!"'.'tllt"' "'•l ,1n111 i11,t ;,·-t· \\"orL\ (~o\Tl"Tl'll('llt '!")i,_·11 .~n1i 1111]; rh~·r1 ;h(' sonQ of the '"'.'··l ~1l!l11 \l' 1111 tli~· .11lain of /11\k.1 \\-ill 1·,):!:t ~n a r(·:di:,-. whl'n 1rn·n ,·1r11-.11l(· 1 ''.1l·11 1): 1•i·' :1 ... h··11the1· ... (~!on ... 1(1 (;fill 1·· 111 1· l1i_L:h·-... t~ :\n·l r.·1 (';11th ;l(' :H , : .:.!' 1u1; 1.1 : 11 tO\\ a rd n it'll ~ THANKSGIVING WITH GOD 'o\·i:rniwr ::?~th i~ :-t·t a~idt· here in the L nitl'd State:-. oi .-\1:1~ .. ·ica hr tlw pro··l:1111ation oi President ·rrum;111 as a cbl\ rif 'fhanksg:i\·ing. ·rh .. p .. ocJa~nation in·c-ludes that thrrl' "ill he appropriate .·t·rrmorn· and that tlw flaJ!S he displayed in all puhlic plan". 'The most appropriate is tht' du1rch. Th"t is the place oi the true Thanh,,i,·ing. There should be reading of the Holv Scriptures con~erning the care oi (;od to His children. singing of hvmns. prayers and sermon on the significance of the dal'. That is the true ceremonv and the t1~ue thanksgiving, before eating turkey ha,·e a word of prayer ... prayer ni thanks. Pray like this: "Our Father, Thou hast abu1Hlantlv blessed this earth on "·hich we live with g;reat harvests. Thou hast nrovided for mankind all things needful. Bless those who labor in the fields. :\Ia,· we ever rejoice in Thy goodness to us. Help '" not to forget all thv benciits. This is a good land in which ~\·e live. On this day of thanksgiving \\'e thank thrc for our food, our schools, books and manv churches, above all \\'e thank Thee fa·,. Thy Son, Jesus. :\Ia,· the \\·ord of the Psalmist be our praye.r: 'Bless the Lord 0 my soul; and all that is "·ithin me, bless His Holy Name.' Amen." EDlTORIAt The great majority of Filipinos in the L-1•ited States are comine- back to oaP-anism. The\ do not attend church! Their 1··iv<'> are. as bad. Few children would attrnd ii mu pick them un "·ith a car or taxi. The IO\-e of Caci is not supreme annnorc in th·:ir hearts. Thev have ~one to;, tar in the worlclh· thinr-s and thev an· foren·r lost. It ~rc-·~1.:; the:-e is no hope for their redemption. Th"r onh· stri,·e to a:tencl to the "hurch. servi~es ii they need something. That is ii th .. ,· ask a iarnr irom the preacher or help irom the fe\\· that are i" the rhurch but aft"r that the\· forget. That is not the nor:nal Christianitl'. Several \'ear~ aero here in S1crnnrnto Filiniros h;1d a funeral and the\· invited a Catholic priest to orea"h the funeral s--rn•on. Th·: n··iest looked first ?t the good cro"·rl :•n·l ti1en ber~an to talk. The priest told tlu-111 th:it 11 \·ou have forgotten to :ittend to the Church oi your mothe•s and fathers ... the Roman Catholir Church." The priest instead oi 1>reaching a funeral sermon. for the dead Filipino he elevated time in scolding them. These people came to a Protestant ministei· tellinp: him of the scolding oi the priest in the funeral parlor. That was the last timr I heard thr nrie.;;t was called to deliver a iuneral oration. The Protestant minister told a dozen Filipinos n-ho came and reported the funeral storv connected "·ith the priest that the "Father n-as doing fine." In meeting of the United :"at ions at Lake Success, ~ ""-'{ark, the other n-eek, there was no prayer. That is the question that every loving people and people n-ho do not n-ant "-ar to stuclv. There should be prayer offered first before the meeting starts. Protestant clergy, catholic priest. a rabbi or even a :\•Iohamadan should offer J>ra\'er first. Thev all look on God as They all pray, and the meeting should start with prayer. just like n-hen Congres.~ of the United States meets they always open with a .prayer of the chaplain ... a Christian prayer. -15
JOHNSON SAYS PHILIPPINE FREEDOM AIDS PEACE WOODLAND. Nov. 2i -At the Rotary dub address. Congressman ]. Leroy Johnson declared that. "when the C nited States gave the Philippines her freedom this country made her greatest step toward establishing world peace and she pro\·ed also to other nations she ha< no imperialistic program." VICTORY FRUIT STORE George Koronton, Prop. 1101 •th Street Sacramento OCK LEE HAND LAUNDRY 1021 FIFTH STREET Socromento, California GENE HUGHES DRUGS STH and JAY PHONE 3·5'70 JSTH ond STH AVE. PHONE 5-2694 SACRAMENTO SHEU FONG CO. POULTRY AND EOGS Eggs A Poultry-Wholesale l Retoll PHONE 2-6925 122 Eye Street Sacramento, Calif. PHILIPPINE GAZETTE SUBSCRIPTION IS $3.00 PER YEAR Friends who have been receiving the Philippine Gazette and if thev have not paid their subscription i•et 1~iay do it now. Two or three copies had been sent as a try out. Please send your subscription order to The Philippine Gazette, 1314 6th Street, Sacramento 1-t. California. COWS, PIGS GET GREEN LIGHT EVARTS, Kr. - "Furriners" are warned to drive slo,vly in Evarts, Ky., because it is legal for stock to meander at will through the streets. The city council voted 4-1, in favor of letting the cows, pigs and goats roam instead of keeping them penned. CHICl\EN HOUSE WE SPECIALIZE IN FRJED CHICKEN DIAL 2-5971 Orders Put Up to Take Out 422 K Street Sacramento 14, Calif. ~''==A==t~::b~::;,o::,~::°"::~0::~::~::~::2~C:::::~::~~~::-T:::::.~::~::~::gN==i Tire Repair. Special Roles to Trucks 1215 2nd STREET Sacramento, Co.lif. -6
MRS. F. D. R. ASKS FOR WOMEN RIGHTS LAKE SL"CCESS. :-.:. Y. - '.\lrs. Eleanor Roose,·elt pres.•ed for action in the 51 member of the L nited :\' ations Committee on Social Problems to speed up political equality for women through out the world. She spoke on a resolution proposed b,- '.\I rs. Rod ii Begt:up of Denmark. ,~·hich ask> the Gen~ral Assembly to reco:nmend to all the members states that the\' rake the needed steps to grant iull poli°tical rights to women. '.\Irs. Roosevelt before the womens group ;;aid that, "'.\Iy only anxiety is that action be taken. I've been at this for ·W \•ears on one iront or another. seeki:·g ~quality for women." JACK & BILL A&N Used Cars PHONE 3-6043 510 CAPITAL AVE. SACRAMENTO, CALIF. HONG KING LUM AMERICAN and CHINESE DISHES Ptione 3-1584 Corner 3rd & Eye Public Phone 2-'1197 Sacramento LUXOR TAXI COMPANY DIAL 4-1781 IOOY. Union-24-Hour Service-Veteran Owned :lut-of-Town Trips Courteous Drivers TOMMY SHEA, Owner Office: 32''1z I STREET Stand: 1641 K St., Sacramento, Calif. (Continued from Page 1) ing to her office for medical treat1nents. Dr. Demandante';; early education was obtained at the Philippine Central College. at J aro Iloilo and at Silliman L'. ni,·ersitv. at Dumaguete. Both are schools of higher learning in the Philippines. The first is a Baptist and the latter a Presbyterian. Dr. Demandante is a fine example of emancipated Filipino womanhood,· a direct fruit of American education planted in the Philippines. In turn she is now rendering services for the welfare of both the United States and the Philippines and the good name of her family at Dumr•agas. Iloilo, the town near the sea, ,,·here she was born. McNUTT COMING HOME '.\IA:.'\ILA.-United States Ambassador Paul V. '.\1cNutt will take off for 'Vashington tonight on personal and official business. He expects to return to '.\·Ianila within two weeks. MRS. ROOSEVELT ON BOP.RD WASHINGTON.-President Truman has appointed ::\1 rs. Eleanor Roosevelt a member of the Human Rights Commission of the United Nations Economic and Social Council. CURIE'S BIRTHPLACE ROUEN-Madame Curie was born at :'.\1anva Sklodowska, and was governess in P~land before she became a scientist. A. 8. C. HARDWARE & FURNITURE EXCHANGE H. A. MERZ R. RICE Telephone 2-85-43 524 L STREET SACRAMENTO -5
• / "f . ~ Dr. Priu1itiva De111n11dante There are about a dozen Filipino physician-surgeons \\·ho are practicing medicine in the C nited States, outside of those " -ho are working in the States and private hospitals. O f one of them is Dr. Prirnitirn D emandante, a Filipino woman. Dr. D emanclantc graduated at t he U niversity of :Vlichigan .Vledical School in 1942. Immed iatel y after she obtained her medical degree she worked at the \.Vomen's H ospital at Philadelphia. Penn., then later she studied und er Dr. Joseph DeLce of Chicago :Vlaternitr Center. In August of 1943. Dr. Demandante took the California State Board :VIedical examination. The woman doctor passed the California examination. No"' she is practicing her medical profession at Wilmington, California. Americans as \\'di as Filipinos and other nationalities arc steadily fl o\\·(Continued on Page .5) · . ' MRS. F. D. R. ASKS FOR WOMEN RIGHTS LAKE SL"CCESS. :-.:. Y. - '.\lrs. Eleanor Roose,·elt pres.•ed for action in the 51 member of the L nited :\' ations Committee on Social Problems to speed up political equality for women through out the world. She spoke on a resolution proposed b,- '.\I rs. Rod ii Begt:up of Denmark. ,~·hich ask> the Gen~ral Assembly to reco:nmend to all the members states that the\' rake the needed steps to grant iull poli°tical rights to women. '.\Irs. Roosevelt before the womens group ;;aid that, "'.\Iy only anxiety is that action be taken. I've been at this for ·W \•ears on one iront or another. seeki:·g ~quality for women." JACK & BILL A&N Used Cars PHONE 3-6043 510 CAPITAL AVE. SACRAMENTO, CALIF. HONG KING LUM AMERICAN and CHINESE DISHES Ptione 3-1584 Corner 3rd & Eye Public Phone 2-'1197 Sacramento LUXOR TAXI COMPANY DIAL 4-1781 IOOY. Union-24-Hour Service-Veteran Owned :lut-of-Town Trips Courteous Drivers TOMMY SHEA, Owner Office: 32''1z I STREET Stand: 1641 K St., Sacramento, Calif. (Continued from Page 1) ing to her office for medical treat1nents. Dr. Demandante';; early education was obtained at the Philippine Central College. at J aro Iloilo and at Silliman L'. ni,·ersitv. at Dumaguete. Both are schools of higher learning in the Philippines. The first is a Baptist and the latter a Presbyterian. Dr. Demandante is a fine example of emancipated Filipino womanhood,· a direct fruit of American education planted in the Philippines. In turn she is now rendering services for the welfare of both the United States and the Philippines and the good name of her family at Dumr•agas. Iloilo, the town near the sea, ,,·here she was born. McNUTT COMING HOME '.\IA:.'\ILA.-United States Ambassador Paul V. '.\1cNutt will take off for 'Vashington tonight on personal and official business. He expects to return to '.\·Ianila within two weeks. MRS. ROOSEVELT ON BOP.RD WASHINGTON.-President Truman has appointed ::\1 rs. Eleanor Roosevelt a member of the Human Rights Commission of the United Nations Economic and Social Council. CURIE'S BIRTHPLACE ROUEN-Madame Curie was born at :'.\1anva Sklodowska, and was governess in P~land before she became a scientist. A. 8. C. HARDWARE & FURNITURE EXCHANGE H. A. MERZ R. RICE Telephone 2-85-43 524 L STREET SACRAMENTO -5
TYPHOON KILLS 260 PERSONS IN THE PHILIPPINES _\I_-\:-; I LA. - Presidential Secrctarv Emilio Ab.Ito \"esterday reported 260 urban deaths i1; a dis~strous typhoon 1·.·hich struck the Isobela Plain oi '.\' egros bland. :\ovember 12. and unofiicial estimate placed the total as high as 500. :\o deaths oi American personnel \\"ere reported_ The _\lanila Bulletin said at least 500 persons were missirg and feared drowned. a,; hean· iloods followed the terrific "·inds. Sor;1e villages \\"ere demolished. :\Jany sectors oi the lsabela Plain re•1ained under water yesterday_ MARINES CLEARED BY FILIPINO INQUIRY _\JA:\'ILA, '.':ov. 17 -The presidential palace today published a report by Representative Ramon _\Jagsaysay 'upporting Filipino charges of manhandling by lJ nited States _\Iarine guards .or Olongapo '.\'a val Base but stating that '"these were isolated cases, not following ~:1y set pattern." The representative, \\"ho conducted an investigation, had found three Filipino civilians who said thev were handled roughly hy the -''larin;s but that they had nor brought it to the attention of _-\::1erican authorities. WILLET & KINT ANA UNION .SERVICE Lubrication rire Repairing 601 L STREET NAVLET FLOWER SHOP "Say it with flowers" TENTH & L STREETS STORE PHONES: 3-3989-3-3980 FISH IGNORE CLERGY COOS BAY, Oregon-Five m1n1sters, and a missionary from \Vest Africa went fishing in the bay. They did not even get a nibble. "Sirs, you don't liv..right," has been the good naturrd taunt fro:n the members of their flock. 18,000 FILIPINOS DIE YC:ARL Y OF BERIBERI Dr. Robert \Villiams, guest scientist oi the Philippine government, rrvralcd that 18,000 Filipinos die yearly of beriberi in his speech made recently at th<' Philippine Central College, at Jaro, I!iolo, Philippines. Dr. Williams declared, "that the lack of vitamin BI" is t!:e root of the trouble. Dr. \Villiams is investigating for the Philippine government a method to fortify the vitamins in rice. MANY ARE RELIGIOUS :\'E\V YORK-An estimated 50 per cent oi the United States population are church members. I']_ -- -~--1'1 CAPITAL J.EWERLY 011'/,\0NDS i,:r WATCHES i,:r RADIOS Old Gold Bought WATCH REPAIRING PHONE 3-4330 62S J Street Sacramento CITY DYE WORKS Stc:.rilizing 'f:i Moth Proofing ~ Cleaning . Upholstered Furniture, Rugs, Mattresses PHONE 2-4431 1217 5th St., Sacramento -12
GENERAL WALKOUT MAY ISOLATE ALL OF PHILIPPINES '.\IA~ILA. ~°'" 16-A. general walkout in sympathy with striking '.\lanila municipal laborers ha.< been approved Pn i "ma\' isolate the Philippines from the rest oi the world," '.\Ianuel lon~n. executi,·e secretan· oi the central° labor organization, said .toda,·. )o\·en told newsmen that the date fo~ the strike throughout the island was secret until organization details were completed. He indicated 100.000 workers would strike on such public sen·ices such as transport, water and power would be aficcted. ROXAS SENT THANKSGIVING GRl:ETING '.\IA~IL'\, ~o,-. 28-President '.\Ianuel Roxas in a Thanksgiving Dar message declared the Filipino people join the L' nited States in celebration, "for the freedom the,· ha,·e newh- won from their association ~\'ith America and for the hopes in the benefirient future of the roung rcpu blic." HUNTER DRUG CO. CUT R.-ITE DRUGGISTS YOU GET SERVICE, QUALITY and COURTESY HERE Tobarros, Lou:est Prices Phone 2-8725 201 J St., Sacramento, Calif. l SUN SUN CAFE CHOW MEIN AND NOODLES Specialty: A.II Kinds of Chi"ese Dishes to Toke Home 307 J ST. SACRAMENTO, CALIF. JUDGE RULES WOMAN MUST KEEP PLEDGE MADE IN MARRIAGE FRA~KFORT. Kr .. :>;o,-, 5-Jutlgc "'illiam B. Arden· denied a divorce to '.\I rs. Anna '.\ Iari· Bowen. Frankfort. who pleaded she h·ad made a "mistake": He penned across the face of her divorce p~tition: · "You cannot obtain a divorce in this court because \'Ou think vou made a mistake in ma~rring. Yo~ will make other mistakes and bear the consequences. In this particular instance you solemnly agreed to enter this relationship 'for b:tter or worse.' So be it." l SHELBY HARDWARE CO. l COMPLETE HARDWARE SERVICE Tools-Cutlery Househcld Goods-Sporting Goods Plumbing Supplies-Paints and Varnishes Phone J~2l71 514 l STREET SACRAMENTO El i M.4.NILA SHOE SHINE I I DAN CARBONA, Owner 1016 5th ST· ! SACRAMENTO -4
JOHNSON SAYS PHILIPPINE FREEDOM AIDS PEACE WOODLAND. Nov. 2i -At the Rotary dub address. Congressman ]. Leroy Johnson declared that. "when the C nited States gave the Philippines her freedom this country made her greatest step toward establishing world peace and she pro\·ed also to other nations she ha< no imperialistic program." VICTORY FRUIT STORE George Koronton, Prop. 1101 •th Street Sacramento OCK LEE HAND LAUNDRY 1021 FIFTH STREET Socromento, California GENE HUGHES DRUGS STH and JAY PHONE 3·5'70 JSTH ond STH AVE. PHONE 5-2694 SACRAMENTO SHEU FONG CO. POULTRY AND EOGS Eggs A Poultry-Wholesale l Retoll PHONE 2-6925 122 Eye Street Sacramento, Calif. PHILIPPINE GAZETTE SUBSCRIPTION IS $3.00 PER YEAR Friends who have been receiving the Philippine Gazette and if thev have not paid their subscription i•et 1~iay do it now. Two or three copies had been sent as a try out. Please send your subscription order to The Philippine Gazette, 1314 6th Street, Sacramento 1-t. California. COWS, PIGS GET GREEN LIGHT EVARTS, Kr. - "Furriners" are warned to drive slo,vly in Evarts, Ky., because it is legal for stock to meander at will through the streets. The city council voted 4-1, in favor of letting the cows, pigs and goats roam instead of keeping them penned. CHICl\EN HOUSE WE SPECIALIZE IN FRJED CHICKEN DIAL 2-5971 Orders Put Up to Take Out 422 K Street Sacramento 14, Calif. ~''==A==t~::b~::;,o::,~::°"::~0::~::~::~::2~C:::::~::~~~::-T:::::.~::~::~::gN==i Tire Repair. Special Roles to Trucks 1215 2nd STREET Sacramento, Co.lif. -6
GENERAL WALKOUT MAY ISOLATE ALL OF PHILIPPINES '.\IA~ILA. ~°'" 16-A. general walkout in sympathy with striking '.\lanila municipal laborers ha.< been approved Pn i "ma\' isolate the Philippines from the rest oi the world," '.\Ianuel lon~n. executi,·e secretan· oi the central° labor organization, said .toda,·. )o\·en told newsmen that the date fo~ the strike throughout the island was secret until organization details were completed. He indicated 100.000 workers would strike on such public sen·ices such as transport, water and power would be aficcted. ROXAS SENT THANKSGIVING GRl:ETING '.\IA~IL'\, ~o,-. 28-President '.\Ianuel Roxas in a Thanksgiving Dar message declared the Filipino people join the L' nited States in celebration, "for the freedom the,· ha,·e newh- won from their association ~\'ith America and for the hopes in the benefirient future of the roung rcpu blic." HUNTER DRUG CO. CUT R.-ITE DRUGGISTS YOU GET SERVICE, QUALITY and COURTESY HERE Tobarros, Lou:est Prices Phone 2-8725 201 J St., Sacramento, Calif. l SUN SUN CAFE CHOW MEIN AND NOODLES Specialty: A.II Kinds of Chi"ese Dishes to Toke Home 307 J ST. SACRAMENTO, CALIF. JUDGE RULES WOMAN MUST KEEP PLEDGE MADE IN MARRIAGE FRA~KFORT. Kr .. :>;o,-, 5-Jutlgc "'illiam B. Arden· denied a divorce to '.\I rs. Anna '.\ Iari· Bowen. Frankfort. who pleaded she h·ad made a "mistake": He penned across the face of her divorce p~tition: · "You cannot obtain a divorce in this court because \'Ou think vou made a mistake in ma~rring. Yo~ will make other mistakes and bear the consequences. In this particular instance you solemnly agreed to enter this relationship 'for b:tter or worse.' So be it." l SHELBY HARDWARE CO. l COMPLETE HARDWARE SERVICE Tools-Cutlery Househcld Goods-Sporting Goods Plumbing Supplies-Paints and Varnishes Phone J~2l71 514 l STREET SACRAMENTO El i M.4.NILA SHOE SHINE I I DAN CARBONA, Owner 1016 5th ST· ! SACRAMENTO -4
.\H.J. _I. L. C:\'\SECO .. \RC. Legion Post Commander On .\1 iii tan· Traning Program .\Jaj. Canseco. proposes the adoption of 1nilitarr training program as an alertness for the ne\\· republic of the Orient. The Philippine Islands \\"as just born yesterday to iace the problems of the universe. The time has arri,·ed for her to stand solidh· alone. She must be \\·ell able to defend herseli for some da,· another nation may choo:'e htr once ~gain as the ,·ictim of insufficient strength as well as size and dcienseles.' people on earth. '\ o\\· is the time for tomorrow may be too late and she "·ill be the target. The aggressors will bcgi n again to use 1·our o\\·n bachards as battle fronts to ~xercise and display the horrible methods of tortures and inhuman destructions to blind the \\·orld. But let us bear in mind that 11·hen there is 11·ar. peace is being prepared. But \\"hen there is peace, \\"a~ is also being prepared. It may take from five to thirty years period of time to come but still either is being prepared. THE PHILIPPINE GAZETIE VOL. I, No. 5 DE:EMBER 1946 \ '-1 (~ ,·-~ .; =..:.\•S t:;!. t .:: 1t · , .. 1;1 r- l~ .,· 1314 'ix!h Str~c>'. S-cr::mcnto, C:il ifcrnio PHIUPP!NE DELl:GAT!Of.J CHAIRMAN 1-~0PES FOR "ONE WORW" OF CU!.TURE ~li:'trt1~r hl'nn'l'll 11atin11" j, th ,· :..:n·.11t':-t rh1Tat to the corllcpt or "nr1t· \\ c.1rld" . .Sen:-ttor Proct•.;o ~t·ha:"-tiar1. rha in11.111 11i the Philippi1w.; dl'ln.::ition to rlw l nirt·ll \"ation:o Ed11L;Hin11:d S1·il·1nitil· :111d l'1il · tt1;:d ()rg;rn iza~ion. Sl'naror ~l'h:t .... rian prt11H1 .... t·d rhar f(J "help di~pc] the mi~tnt :' t \\·hi1._·h LO!l1pl iratl':-. inrer11;1tirn1:d re!atirHl"' . \\ e prnpo..;e thl' gr:1d11al adoption h~· all na tion' oi :1 commo n medium ni \1.Titin~-at lea:'t ioi niiicial pt1rposc:-:.. he :'aid. "\\-l· al:'o \\·ill propO::>l' p11hlic:itio11 111 i11tc:r11ational llt\\·:-;pa:rl'r. intcrnario11;tf radio broa<lca....;;t:' and r\r hangc of :"-t11 - dent::> bet\\·een unin•r:-;itil'"' of ditfrrent nation:-. ".-\bo\·e all. \\"t' \\'ant to ..;ho\\· the \\·orld that :-;mall nation:' arl' ,,·illing to cooperate to cn:ate 'one ,,·orld' from the standpoints of educatin11, scienn· and nil· tu re." .\kmbers of the delegation th:it 1)·ill lean.' for Paris arc: Francisco ()rtr~a . speaker pro tem of the Philippine House of Representati,·cs; Senator Salipada Pendatum. Dr. c;abricl :\Ianalac. chairman of the '\ ational coinmittec on Education. and Dr. Encarnacion Alzona. professor at the l'niversity of the Philippines. CARNIE-GOODWIN-PENDLETON CO. CanvaH Goods 513-515 L STREET -2America must be read\· at all times in the iuture because she ,~-ill b~ on the spot. The next aggres.<or will recognize her a.< the chiei stumbling block to world conquest in two world wars passed. He will predicate all his plans on knocking America out iirst. He will helie\'e he ma\· be able to crush us before we can g~t readr to fight. \\"e are just simpletons ii we do not take cognizance oi these facts and go,·ern oursel\'es accordingly. The late Theodore Roose\'elt. ex-president oi the L' nited Stares oiten urged, ''Speak soirlr but carry a big stick!" George \\'ashingron ad"ised us to. "H3\·e a citizen-militia force of a sufficient size and strength to be respectable in the e\"es oi our friends and ieariul in the eye; of those who might othern·ise become our enemies.'' Both of these great Americans had grasped an essential fact-peace without rower is a pipe dream! \Ve· must also bear in mind. too ·that war has become a business of ~peci~lists. \\Teapons ha,·e become fearfully complex. It takes months of time to train a raw boy to operate a gun turret in a Liberator bomber; to use a bazooka; to fire arrillerr; to dri,·e tanks, ro fir planes; to handle machine guns. \Vhen "·e are <uddenlr attacked, we will not have time to mobilze to train. \Ve will onlv ha,·e time to mobilize to fight. Th.e C nh·ersal 11ilitary Training Program will pile up for us a lot of critical time that will be precious to us in the hour of national need. Lim's Laundry and Cleaning 315 JAY STREET SACRAMENTO 907 4th ST. ·~, SACRAMENTO II DIAL 2-3013 GREEN TOP TAXI :\'OW THE A1IERICA:\ LEGIO:\' SPEAKS In appraising the merits of the uni\'ersal 1Iilitary Training plan for the L7 nited States, ad\'ocated bv the American Legion, it is well to adj;1st our thinking to grim new developments and facts. For great number of yean; Americans have looked upon the Atlantic and Pacific oceans as our own God-given natural defense barriers against all foreign attacks. \Ve have also looked upon the British na,·r in conjunction with our own to supplement those natural defenses. But things have changed suddenly. \\7orld \Var II has been a laboratorv for the development of "i:he science n'f modern warfare. It has been too good a laboratory. From it, have come war planes flying faster than sound, robot bombs, rocket planes, electronics, amphibious operations, all of which even in their present infancy, already have literally stripped America of her defensive armor-the oceans, hte mountains and the deserts. In the next war there will be no natural barriers am·where in the world to bar military operations. In the next war it will be possible to bombard cities across the ocean by radar and electronic controlled artillery, robot bombs or rocket planes. Vast armies will be transported in giant aerial troop carriers. Speed such as we have not even dreamed of will mark attacks .. We know these things are coming because that is the way they are shaping up the world today. We must also accept the facts that the wars will come again. History continues to repeat itself. In the face of this knowledge we, as a nation, cannot and must not stick our heads into the sand in the naive belief that if by effort we blind ourselves to approaching danger, it will not come to us. Our responsibility is to appraise all these conditions realistically. When we rate the sobering facts at their grim ya)ue, only one conclusion is possible. -3
The Filipino Church Of Christ 1~14 Sixth Street, Sacramento, Calif. Sunday School. ......... .10:00 A. M. Morning Service.... . .... 11:00 A. M. Rev. Vic(':ite A. Zombro, Pastor Phone 2-7064 REASON MUST REPLACE FORCE, SAYS TRUMAN ~ FILIPINO COMMUNITY CHURCH ~ of Chicago ;u="U-:J'I Sc,..ool-10 o m., 1849 'W. Von Buren SI. I .Ye, ship St>rvict: 8 p. r:i,, Lawson Y.M.C.A., I jC W. Chicago Ave. i Re' B 0. Tol.o::nrino, Fostor l _Chicugo, Ill. Telephone ChHapeoke 2-378 4(, !'IE\'\T YORK.- President Truman, in a message to the ~ew York HeraldTribune, said last night that "None of us can bow to force but all must yield to reason, justice and fair play." The president whose letter was read in the forum's concluding session, added that "it is not the convictions of men ,;·hich are sacred but the freedom· of minds of free men in a free world which is sacred." \Chinese Church of Christ l Sunday Ser"icei 11.o•r-i"q S'"'~;~e ll:OOo. rr.. S 1ndo\' Schcol . . ..... .. 2:]0 p. m. E•l!r.i"lg Sc·v;:e . 7:30 p. m. Rev. S. W. KWOK, Pastor 519 N Street Phone 2-6760 Sacramento, California For SUNDAY SCHOOLS and CHURCHES r:te Sotau- to '1"411' ~'P~ ~ll.'HSII:~ (JJ".uiwu.~d~~~~~~--' New • Complete ' Vivid "Ch .. istmos Blessings" ... fo"IY nalural cola slides ... ca"'efully P"epored ••• slriclly Biblical in con lent.:. non· denominotionol in choroete-. Here is o complete prog om · eody for your immediate us~ Clhe"' sets of full· color Bible slides o ·e avoiloble lo enable you to build a complcle visual library lo your church educational prog ·om. W 1te o telephone lo colo ·ad desc iplive c1 culo and free copy of Prog•·am Guide for .. C.h 1stma1 Blessings". CAPITAL BOOK & BIBLE HOUSE PHONE 3-5836 1122 BTH STREET SACRAMENTO TRUMAN CALLS NATION TO BE THANKFUL TO DIVINE PROVIDENCE WASHINGTON, ~ov. 28-In a formal proclamation of Thanksgiving, President Truman .called upon the nation "to devoutly grateful to Divine Providence for the richness of our endowment and the many blessings received." "May we continue to give good account of our ste\\·ardship by utilizing our resources in the service of mankind," he said. He called upon the people "to observe rhis day by ofiering thanks to God for the bounties vouchased us and bv rededicating ourselves to the preserva"tion of the blessings of liberty envisaged by our forefathers in the preamble of the Constitution.'' MANILA STRIKE ENDS MANILA, Nov. 19-President Manuel Roxas announced today that l\tianila's strike of municipal laborers had been settled and a threatened general strikr averted. -13
TYPHOON KILLS 260 PERSONS IN THE PHILIPPINES _\I_-\:-; I LA. - Presidential Secrctarv Emilio Ab.Ito \"esterday reported 260 urban deaths i1; a dis~strous typhoon 1·.·hich struck the Isobela Plain oi '.\' egros bland. :\ovember 12. and unofiicial estimate placed the total as high as 500. :\o deaths oi American personnel \\"ere reported_ The _\lanila Bulletin said at least 500 persons were missirg and feared drowned. a,; hean· iloods followed the terrific "·inds. Sor;1e villages \\"ere demolished. :\Jany sectors oi the lsabela Plain re•1ained under water yesterday_ MARINES CLEARED BY FILIPINO INQUIRY _\JA:\'ILA, '.':ov. 17 -The presidential palace today published a report by Representative Ramon _\Jagsaysay 'upporting Filipino charges of manhandling by lJ nited States _\Iarine guards .or Olongapo '.\'a val Base but stating that '"these were isolated cases, not following ~:1y set pattern." The representative, \\"ho conducted an investigation, had found three Filipino civilians who said thev were handled roughly hy the -''larin;s but that they had nor brought it to the attention of _-\::1erican authorities. WILLET & KINT ANA UNION .SERVICE Lubrication rire Repairing 601 L STREET NAVLET FLOWER SHOP "Say it with flowers" TENTH & L STREETS STORE PHONES: 3-3989-3-3980 FISH IGNORE CLERGY COOS BAY, Oregon-Five m1n1sters, and a missionary from \Vest Africa went fishing in the bay. They did not even get a nibble. "Sirs, you don't liv..right," has been the good naturrd taunt fro:n the members of their flock. 18,000 FILIPINOS DIE YC:ARL Y OF BERIBERI Dr. Robert \Villiams, guest scientist oi the Philippine government, rrvralcd that 18,000 Filipinos die yearly of beriberi in his speech made recently at th<' Philippine Central College, at Jaro, I!iolo, Philippines. Dr. Williams declared, "that the lack of vitamin BI" is t!:e root of the trouble. Dr. \Villiams is investigating for the Philippine government a method to fortify the vitamins in rice. MANY ARE RELIGIOUS :\'E\V YORK-An estimated 50 per cent oi the United States population are church members. I']_ -- -~--1'1 CAPITAL J.EWERLY 011'/,\0NDS i,:r WATCHES i,:r RADIOS Old Gold Bought WATCH REPAIRING PHONE 3-4330 62S J Street Sacramento CITY DYE WORKS Stc:.rilizing 'f:i Moth Proofing ~ Cleaning . Upholstered Furniture, Rugs, Mattresses PHONE 2-4431 1217 5th St., Sacramento -12
TYPHOON KILLS 260 PERSONS IN THE PHILIPPINES _\I_-\:-; I LA. - Presidential Secrctarv Emilio Ab.Ito \"esterday reported 260 urban deaths i1; a dis~strous typhoon 1·.·hich struck the Isobela Plain oi '.\' egros bland. :\ovember 12. and unofiicial estimate placed the total as high as 500. :\o deaths oi American personnel \\"ere reported_ The _\lanila Bulletin said at least 500 persons were missirg and feared drowned. a,; hean· iloods followed the terrific "·inds. Sor;1e villages \\"ere demolished. :\Jany sectors oi the lsabela Plain re•1ained under water yesterday_ MARINES CLEARED BY FILIPINO INQUIRY _\JA:\'ILA, '.':ov. 17 -The presidential palace today published a report by Representative Ramon _\Jagsaysay 'upporting Filipino charges of manhandling by lJ nited States _\Iarine guards .or Olongapo '.\'a val Base but stating that '"these were isolated cases, not following ~:1y set pattern." The representative, \\"ho conducted an investigation, had found three Filipino civilians who said thev were handled roughly hy the -''larin;s but that they had nor brought it to the attention of _-\::1erican authorities. WILLET & KINT ANA UNION .SERVICE Lubrication rire Repairing 601 L STREET NAVLET FLOWER SHOP "Say it with flowers" TENTH & L STREETS STORE PHONES: 3-3989-3-3980 FISH IGNORE CLERGY COOS BAY, Oregon-Five m1n1sters, and a missionary from \Vest Africa went fishing in the bay. They did not even get a nibble. "Sirs, you don't liv..right," has been the good naturrd taunt fro:n the members of their flock. 18,000 FILIPINOS DIE YC:ARL Y OF BERIBERI Dr. Robert \Villiams, guest scientist oi the Philippine government, rrvralcd that 18,000 Filipinos die yearly of beriberi in his speech made recently at th<' Philippine Central College, at Jaro, I!iolo, Philippines. Dr. Williams declared, "that the lack of vitamin BI" is t!:e root of the trouble. Dr. \Villiams is investigating for the Philippine government a method to fortify the vitamins in rice. MANY ARE RELIGIOUS :\'E\V YORK-An estimated 50 per cent oi the United States population are church members. I']_ -- -~--1'1 CAPITAL J.EWERLY 011'/,\0NDS i,:r WATCHES i,:r RADIOS Old Gold Bought WATCH REPAIRING PHONE 3-4330 62S J Street Sacramento CITY DYE WORKS Stc:.rilizing 'f:i Moth Proofing ~ Cleaning . Upholstered Furniture, Rugs, Mattresses PHONE 2-4431 1217 5th St., Sacramento -12
MRS. F. D. R. ASKS FOR WOMEN RIGHTS LAKE SL"CCESS. :-.:. Y. - '.\lrs. Eleanor Roose,·elt pres.•ed for action in the 51 member of the L nited :\' ations Committee on Social Problems to speed up political equality for women through out the world. She spoke on a resolution proposed b,- '.\I rs. Rod ii Begt:up of Denmark. ,~·hich ask> the Gen~ral Assembly to reco:nmend to all the members states that the\' rake the needed steps to grant iull poli°tical rights to women. '.\Irs. Roosevelt before the womens group ;;aid that, "'.\Iy only anxiety is that action be taken. I've been at this for ·W \•ears on one iront or another. seeki:·g ~quality for women." JACK & BILL A&N Used Cars PHONE 3-6043 510 CAPITAL AVE. SACRAMENTO, CALIF. HONG KING LUM AMERICAN and CHINESE DISHES Ptione 3-1584 Corner 3rd & Eye Public Phone 2-'1197 Sacramento LUXOR TAXI COMPANY DIAL 4-1781 IOOY. Union-24-Hour Service-Veteran Owned :lut-of-Town Trips Courteous Drivers TOMMY SHEA, Owner Office: 32''1z I STREET Stand: 1641 K St., Sacramento, Calif. (Continued from Page 1) ing to her office for medical treat1nents. Dr. Demandante';; early education was obtained at the Philippine Central College. at J aro Iloilo and at Silliman L'. ni,·ersitv. at Dumaguete. Both are schools of higher learning in the Philippines. The first is a Baptist and the latter a Presbyterian. Dr. Demandante is a fine example of emancipated Filipino womanhood,· a direct fruit of American education planted in the Philippines. In turn she is now rendering services for the welfare of both the United States and the Philippines and the good name of her family at Dumr•agas. Iloilo, the town near the sea, ,,·here she was born. McNUTT COMING HOME '.\IA:.'\ILA.-United States Ambassador Paul V. '.\1cNutt will take off for 'Vashington tonight on personal and official business. He expects to return to '.\·Ianila within two weeks. MRS. ROOSEVELT ON BOP.RD WASHINGTON.-President Truman has appointed ::\1 rs. Eleanor Roosevelt a member of the Human Rights Commission of the United Nations Economic and Social Council. CURIE'S BIRTHPLACE ROUEN-Madame Curie was born at :'.\1anva Sklodowska, and was governess in P~land before she became a scientist. A. 8. C. HARDWARE & FURNITURE EXCHANGE H. A. MERZ R. RICE Telephone 2-85-43 524 L STREET SACRAMENTO -5
RIZAL DAY DINNER AT COMMERCIAL HOTEL DEC. 28, AT 8 P. M. There will be a Rizal Day dinner at the Commercial Hotel. Third and Eye Streets, on December 28th, at S p. m., in honor of Dr. Jose Rizal hero and martyr of the Philippines. Dr. Rizal the man \\"ho laid the foundation of the Philippines .freedom and the man that put the tocsin that ended the Spanish Empire in the Philippines .. For reservation see ]. L. . Canseco, George :Uanigao, Pete }Jeamo, Pete Crystal or Rev. Vicente A. Zambra. The charge is $2.00, it's a turkey dinner. MEN'S WEAR STYLE AND QUALITY Phone 2·0251 1209 3rd STREET, SACRAMENTO ~ Co::~~~~~~:;~• ~~~::~;ce ] Gos, Oil, & Lubrication PHONE 2-4&80 ~ 1316 lrd Street B. T. Mitchell, Prop. !1~:11~ZPA~UZL~·s~M~E~N~·s~WZE~AZR~-~~., J 331 KAY STREET SACRAMENTO MR. AND MRS. JOHN V. ORINES ARE PROUD PARENTS }Ir. and :.Hrs, fohn V. Orines oi Somerton, A.rizona, a~e having another member added to their familv. His name is Ignacio. The baby was. born in Yuma hospital, June I 5. The baby boy and the mother are spending their vacation here in Sacramento, stopping at th~ Travelers Hotel. Mr. .Orines 1s employed in farming organizations in Arizona. ! LEON'S BARBER SHOP l Leon Mercado, Prop. 1204 3rd STREET SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA ·--------~ HOLLYWOOD STUDIO Specio./izinQ in Christmas Por!roits ·)·Day Servic'! · DIAL 4-2492 513 K ST. SACRAMENTO, CALIF. ROBINSON'S SHOE REPAIR ] For Those Who Wont lhe Best! Quick Service ond Reasonable Prices Hove Your Shoes Half Soled Today and look Like New! Sat1sfacrion Guaranteed 525 CAPITOL AVE. SACRAMENTO Fred Mangrubang & Miqual Yadao, Proprietors 1119 3RD STREET SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA "L" ST. LAUNDRY DRY CLEANING 311 L STREET ! FRED'S BARBER SHOP ] l -~ ~--------~ -10
MRS. F. D. R. ASKS FOR WOMEN RIGHTS LAKE SL"CCESS. :-.:. Y. - '.\lrs. Eleanor Roose,·elt pres.•ed for action in the 51 member of the L nited :\' ations Committee on Social Problems to speed up political equality for women through out the world. She spoke on a resolution proposed b,- '.\I rs. Rod ii Begt:up of Denmark. ,~·hich ask> the Gen~ral Assembly to reco:nmend to all the members states that the\' rake the needed steps to grant iull poli°tical rights to women. '.\Irs. Roosevelt before the womens group ;;aid that, "'.\Iy only anxiety is that action be taken. I've been at this for ·W \•ears on one iront or another. seeki:·g ~quality for women." JACK & BILL A&N Used Cars PHONE 3-6043 510 CAPITAL AVE. SACRAMENTO, CALIF. HONG KING LUM AMERICAN and CHINESE DISHES Ptione 3-1584 Corner 3rd & Eye Public Phone 2-'1197 Sacramento LUXOR TAXI COMPANY DIAL 4-1781 IOOY. Union-24-Hour Service-Veteran Owned :lut-of-Town Trips Courteous Drivers TOMMY SHEA, Owner Office: 32''1z I STREET Stand: 1641 K St., Sacramento, Calif. (Continued from Page 1) ing to her office for medical treat1nents. Dr. Demandante';; early education was obtained at the Philippine Central College. at J aro Iloilo and at Silliman L'. ni,·ersitv. at Dumaguete. Both are schools of higher learning in the Philippines. The first is a Baptist and the latter a Presbyterian. Dr. Demandante is a fine example of emancipated Filipino womanhood,· a direct fruit of American education planted in the Philippines. In turn she is now rendering services for the welfare of both the United States and the Philippines and the good name of her family at Dumr•agas. Iloilo, the town near the sea, ,,·here she was born. McNUTT COMING HOME '.\IA:.'\ILA.-United States Ambassador Paul V. '.\1cNutt will take off for 'Vashington tonight on personal and official business. He expects to return to '.\·Ianila within two weeks. MRS. ROOSEVELT ON BOP.RD WASHINGTON.-President Truman has appointed ::\1 rs. Eleanor Roosevelt a member of the Human Rights Commission of the United Nations Economic and Social Council. CURIE'S BIRTHPLACE ROUEN-Madame Curie was born at :'.\1anva Sklodowska, and was governess in P~land before she became a scientist. A. 8. C. HARDWARE & FURNITURE EXCHANGE H. A. MERZ R. RICE Telephone 2-85-43 524 L STREET SACRAMENTO -5
MRS. F. D. R. ASKS FOR WOMEN RIGHTS LAKE SL"CCESS. :-.:. Y. - '.\lrs. Eleanor Roose,·elt pres.•ed for action in the 51 member of the L nited :\' ations Committee on Social Problems to speed up political equality for women through out the world. She spoke on a resolution proposed b,- '.\I rs. Rod ii Begt:up of Denmark. ,~·hich ask> the Gen~ral Assembly to reco:nmend to all the members states that the\' rake the needed steps to grant iull poli°tical rights to women. '.\Irs. Roosevelt before the womens group ;;aid that, "'.\Iy only anxiety is that action be taken. I've been at this for ·W \•ears on one iront or another. seeki:·g ~quality for women." JACK & BILL A&N Used Cars PHONE 3-6043 510 CAPITAL AVE. SACRAMENTO, CALIF. HONG KING LUM AMERICAN and CHINESE DISHES Ptione 3-1584 Corner 3rd & Eye Public Phone 2-'1197 Sacramento LUXOR TAXI COMPANY DIAL 4-1781 IOOY. Union-24-Hour Service-Veteran Owned :lut-of-Town Trips Courteous Drivers TOMMY SHEA, Owner Office: 32''1z I STREET Stand: 1641 K St., Sacramento, Calif. (Continued from Page 1) ing to her office for medical treat1nents. Dr. Demandante';; early education was obtained at the Philippine Central College. at J aro Iloilo and at Silliman L'. ni,·ersitv. at Dumaguete. Both are schools of higher learning in the Philippines. The first is a Baptist and the latter a Presbyterian. Dr. Demandante is a fine example of emancipated Filipino womanhood,· a direct fruit of American education planted in the Philippines. In turn she is now rendering services for the welfare of both the United States and the Philippines and the good name of her family at Dumr•agas. Iloilo, the town near the sea, ,,·here she was born. McNUTT COMING HOME '.\IA:.'\ILA.-United States Ambassador Paul V. '.\1cNutt will take off for 'Vashington tonight on personal and official business. He expects to return to '.\·Ianila within two weeks. MRS. ROOSEVELT ON BOP.RD WASHINGTON.-President Truman has appointed ::\1 rs. Eleanor Roosevelt a member of the Human Rights Commission of the United Nations Economic and Social Council. CURIE'S BIRTHPLACE ROUEN-Madame Curie was born at :'.\1anva Sklodowska, and was governess in P~land before she became a scientist. A. 8. C. HARDWARE & FURNITURE EXCHANGE H. A. MERZ R. RICE Telephone 2-85-43 524 L STREET SACRAMENTO -5
America must be read\· at all times in the iuture because she ,~-ill b~ on the spot. The next aggres.<or will recognize her a.< the chiei stumbling block to world conquest in two world wars passed. He will predicate all his plans on knocking America out iirst. He will helie\'e he ma\· be able to crush us before we can g~t readr to fight. \\"e are just simpletons ii we do not take cognizance oi these facts and go,·ern oursel\'es accordingly. The late Theodore Roose\'elt. ex-president oi the L' nited Stares oiten urged, ''Speak soirlr but carry a big stick!" George \\'ashingron ad"ised us to. "H3\·e a citizen-militia force of a sufficient size and strength to be respectable in the e\"es oi our friends and ieariul in the eye; of those who might othern·ise become our enemies.'' Both of these great Americans had grasped an essential fact-peace without rower is a pipe dream! \Ve· must also bear in mind. too ·that war has become a business of ~peci~lists. \\Teapons ha,·e become fearfully complex. It takes months of time to train a raw boy to operate a gun turret in a Liberator bomber; to use a bazooka; to fire arrillerr; to dri,·e tanks, ro fir planes; to handle machine guns. \Vhen "·e are <uddenlr attacked, we will not have time to mobilze to train. \Ve will onlv ha,·e time to mobilize to fight. Th.e C nh·ersal 11ilitary Training Program will pile up for us a lot of critical time that will be precious to us in the hour of national need. Lim's Laundry and Cleaning 315 JAY STREET SACRAMENTO 907 4th ST. ·~, SACRAMENTO II DIAL 2-3013 GREEN TOP TAXI :\'OW THE A1IERICA:\ LEGIO:\' SPEAKS In appraising the merits of the uni\'ersal 1Iilitary Training plan for the L7 nited States, ad\'ocated bv the American Legion, it is well to adj;1st our thinking to grim new developments and facts. For great number of yean; Americans have looked upon the Atlantic and Pacific oceans as our own God-given natural defense barriers against all foreign attacks. \Ve have also looked upon the British na,·r in conjunction with our own to supplement those natural defenses. But things have changed suddenly. \\7orld \Var II has been a laboratorv for the development of "i:he science n'f modern warfare. It has been too good a laboratory. From it, have come war planes flying faster than sound, robot bombs, rocket planes, electronics, amphibious operations, all of which even in their present infancy, already have literally stripped America of her defensive armor-the oceans, hte mountains and the deserts. In the next war there will be no natural barriers am·where in the world to bar military operations. In the next war it will be possible to bombard cities across the ocean by radar and electronic controlled artillery, robot bombs or rocket planes. Vast armies will be transported in giant aerial troop carriers. Speed such as we have not even dreamed of will mark attacks .. We know these things are coming because that is the way they are shaping up the world today. We must also accept the facts that the wars will come again. History continues to repeat itself. In the face of this knowledge we, as a nation, cannot and must not stick our heads into the sand in the naive belief that if by effort we blind ourselves to approaching danger, it will not come to us. Our responsibility is to appraise all these conditions realistically. When we rate the sobering facts at their grim ya)ue, only one conclusion is possible. -3
A GIRL FOR MR. AND MRS. PETE ANTONIO llr. and llr>. Pete Antonio of \Voodland are proud parents. A baby boy was born September 2~th at \Voodland County hospital. Her name is Glenda Jo,·ce. Glenda and the mother are doing fi~e. PRESIDENT ROXAS REVEALS DEFENSE BASE PACT WITH UNITED STATES CAl-IP O'CONNEL, P. I., Nov. 30 -Philippine President l'1anuel A. Roxas declared todav in a National Heroes' Day address that an agreement has been reached permitting the United States to establish bases in the Islands for mutual defense. President Roxas was· speaking to the V nited States Army reformed division of the Philippine Scouts and at the course of his speech he said that "we have an agreement with the United States permitting her to establish bases here for mutual defense of our two countries." NITZ CUT RATE DRUG STORE 1230 4th Street SACRAMENTO GEORGE L. BERNOUDY TELEPHONE 3-888< 1111t/, 3rd ST., SACRAMENTO, CALIF. CAPITAL I LUMBER-WRECKING CO. Telephone 2-1525 431 North 12th STREET SACRAMENTO 15, CALIF. ~· PHILIPPINE DAMAGE CLAIMS TO BE ACCEPTED WASHI~GTON, !"\ov. 2-l-Philippine war damage commissioner officials say they will begin accepting claims in Manila after the first of the year. They accept between 900,000 and I 00,000 claims from both Filipinos and Americans. . The United States government will pay. for war damages whether they were caused by the Japanese or United States military forces. E. Desamito LICENSED AND DOMD'.;D FARM LABOR CONTRACTOR Phone 9-3679 Uconse No. L-28 RT. 3, BOX 350, SACRAMENTO, CALIF. D ~..,...~~ Co O.ME··:i;::~~~NG • KAl.FTONES c ··u y· s El£CTROTYPIS JlllC ETCHINGS DRAWINGS TELEPHONE 3-2748 916 SIXTH ST., SACRAMENTO, CALIF. WLIUS GENE CHICKEN SHACK HOME OF SOUTHERN FRIED CHICKEN SerfJetl witli [-lot Biscuits Lunch from 11 a. m. lo 2 p. m. 1324 3rd STREET, SACRAMENTO Phone 3-4368 -8
PHILIPPINE DELEGATES AT U. N. PROPOSE FREEDOM OF INFORMATION The Philippine delegates to the United :'\ations proposed that in the 19+7 conference on Economic and Social Problems, the freedom of information will be included. The Philippine proposal would include persons anivel1· engaged in journalism, radio and motion pictures. L~~:~l~~l~OP~E~~~p ] lodies' ood Gcots' s,;,. Mode To O•de< ~ I Alterations of All Kinds All Work Guaranteed 307 Kay Sheet Sacramento 'TALOFF ELECTRIC CO. Lighting Fixtures, s.,pplies Ebclricol Appliances Radios I 009 5th STREET Sacramento, Calif. MATHEWS CLOTHES The House of a Thousa11d Suits 603 Kay Street . (Opposite Breuner"s} SUITS - OVERCOATS SPORT COATS - SLACKS [ HN~~R:.,;~Rr;;~~~R~~~E ] In At ' A. M.-O'JT SAME DAY 505 EYE STREET PHONE 3-4936 SACRAMENTO [ . MANUEL JOSEPH ELECTRIC CENTER DISPLAYS PHONE 3-3937 1020 JAY ST. SACRAMENTO PRAYER HELD ~OR BROTHER DUCOLAN A prayer was held at the Temple of the Legionarios de! Trajajo, November 24, at 5 :30 p. m., in rnemory of Brother Ducolan, founder of the .local lodge who die.<! a year ago. Brother Ray Cabanela. presided. He called on Rev. VicePt" A. Zambra, for a reading of the Holy Scripture and prayer. Then Brother V. Quiaot. Brother Pasca~io and Brother Revnon spoke ki.ncl ine:nories of the thoughfulness of Brdther Ducolan. Ar the end of the prayer a meeting 11:as held at the lodge under the leadership of Brother Cabanela. NEVADA INVITES U. N. BOULDER CITY. :'-lev., Nov. 17The Boulder City Chamber of Commerce today invited the United Nations organization to make its permanent home here. [ . MERR} 1 ' 00 C 8 ,f 6 -T 1 Rh T5STRTEIE~T1AS mu/. ] A /-IA PPY NEW YEAR Phooe 3.9:5EE PH~::~~~o. CALIF. COMMERCIA!.. HOTE'. AND RESTAURANT l tt1/im1 and Steak Dinners · ' Telephone 3-3688 Emmett Regan, Owner Johnny Flynn, Mgr. ?rd and I STS., SACRAMENTO, CALIF. SACRAMENTO LOAN and JEWELRY co;· Money to Loon on Watches, Jewelry Expert Watch Repairing Unredeemed Pledges For Sole Wardrobe Trunks Our Specialty 531 Koy Street · Sacramento -11
.\H.J. _I. L. C:\'\SECO .. \RC. Legion Post Commander On .\1 iii tan· Traning Program .\Jaj. Canseco. proposes the adoption of 1nilitarr training program as an alertness for the ne\\· republic of the Orient. The Philippine Islands \\"as just born yesterday to iace the problems of the universe. The time has arri,·ed for her to stand solidh· alone. She must be \\·ell able to defend herseli for some da,· another nation may choo:'e htr once ~gain as the ,·ictim of insufficient strength as well as size and dcienseles.' people on earth. '\ o\\· is the time for tomorrow may be too late and she "·ill be the target. The aggressors will bcgi n again to use 1·our o\\·n bachards as battle fronts to ~xercise and display the horrible methods of tortures and inhuman destructions to blind the \\·orld. But let us bear in mind that 11·hen there is 11·ar. peace is being prepared. But \\"hen there is peace, \\"a~ is also being prepared. It may take from five to thirty years period of time to come but still either is being prepared. THE PHILIPPINE GAZETIE VOL. I, No. 5 DE:EMBER 1946 \ '-1 (~ ,·-~ .; =..:.\•S t:;!. t .:: 1t · , .. 1;1 r- l~ .,· 1314 'ix!h Str~c>'. S-cr::mcnto, C:il ifcrnio PHIUPP!NE DELl:GAT!Of.J CHAIRMAN 1-~0PES FOR "ONE WORW" OF CU!.TURE ~li:'trt1~r hl'nn'l'll 11atin11" j, th ,· :..:n·.11t':-t rh1Tat to the corllcpt or "nr1t· \\ c.1rld" . .Sen:-ttor Proct•.;o ~t·ha:"-tiar1. rha in11.111 11i the Philippi1w.; dl'ln.::ition to rlw l nirt·ll \"ation:o Ed11L;Hin11:d S1·il·1nitil· :111d l'1il · tt1;:d ()rg;rn iza~ion. Sl'naror ~l'h:t .... rian prt11H1 .... t·d rhar f(J "help di~pc] the mi~tnt :' t \\·hi1._·h LO!l1pl iratl':-. inrer11;1tirn1:d re!atirHl"' . \\ e prnpo..;e thl' gr:1d11al adoption h~· all na tion' oi :1 commo n medium ni \1.Titin~-at lea:'t ioi niiicial pt1rposc:-:.. he :'aid. "\\-l· al:'o \\·ill propO::>l' p11hlic:itio11 111 i11tc:r11ational llt\\·:-;pa:rl'r. intcrnario11;tf radio broa<lca....;;t:' and r\r hangc of :"-t11 - dent::> bet\\·een unin•r:-;itil'"' of ditfrrent nation:-. ".-\bo\·e all. \\"t' \\'ant to ..;ho\\· the \\·orld that :-;mall nation:' arl' ,,·illing to cooperate to cn:ate 'one ,,·orld' from the standpoints of educatin11, scienn· and nil· tu re." .\kmbers of the delegation th:it 1)·ill lean.' for Paris arc: Francisco ()rtr~a . speaker pro tem of the Philippine House of Representati,·cs; Senator Salipada Pendatum. Dr. c;abricl :\Ianalac. chairman of the '\ ational coinmittec on Education. and Dr. Encarnacion Alzona. professor at the l'niversity of the Philippines. CARNIE-GOODWIN-PENDLETON CO. CanvaH Goods 513-515 L STREET -2
JOHNSON SAYS PHILIPPINE FREEDOM AIDS PEACE WOODLAND. Nov. 2i -At the Rotary dub address. Congressman ]. Leroy Johnson declared that. "when the C nited States gave the Philippines her freedom this country made her greatest step toward establishing world peace and she pro\·ed also to other nations she ha< no imperialistic program." VICTORY FRUIT STORE George Koronton, Prop. 1101 •th Street Sacramento OCK LEE HAND LAUNDRY 1021 FIFTH STREET Socromento, California GENE HUGHES DRUGS STH and JAY PHONE 3·5'70 JSTH ond STH AVE. PHONE 5-2694 SACRAMENTO SHEU FONG CO. POULTRY AND EOGS Eggs A Poultry-Wholesale l Retoll PHONE 2-6925 122 Eye Street Sacramento, Calif. PHILIPPINE GAZETTE SUBSCRIPTION IS $3.00 PER YEAR Friends who have been receiving the Philippine Gazette and if thev have not paid their subscription i•et 1~iay do it now. Two or three copies had been sent as a try out. Please send your subscription order to The Philippine Gazette, 1314 6th Street, Sacramento 1-t. California. COWS, PIGS GET GREEN LIGHT EVARTS, Kr. - "Furriners" are warned to drive slo,vly in Evarts, Ky., because it is legal for stock to meander at will through the streets. The city council voted 4-1, in favor of letting the cows, pigs and goats roam instead of keeping them penned. CHICl\EN HOUSE WE SPECIALIZE IN FRJED CHICKEN DIAL 2-5971 Orders Put Up to Take Out 422 K Street Sacramento 14, Calif. ~''==A==t~::b~::;,o::,~::°"::~0::~::~::~::2~C:::::~::~~~::-T:::::.~::~::~::gN==i Tire Repair. Special Roles to Trucks 1215 2nd STREET Sacramento, Co.lif. -6
PHILIPPINE DELEGATES AT U. N. PROPOSE FREEDOM OF INFORMATION The Philippine delegates to the United :'\ations proposed that in the 19+7 conference on Economic and Social Problems, the freedom of information will be included. The Philippine proposal would include persons anivel1· engaged in journalism, radio and motion pictures. L~~:~l~~l~OP~E~~~p ] lodies' ood Gcots' s,;,. Mode To O•de< ~ I Alterations of All Kinds All Work Guaranteed 307 Kay Sheet Sacramento 'TALOFF ELECTRIC CO. Lighting Fixtures, s.,pplies Ebclricol Appliances Radios I 009 5th STREET Sacramento, Calif. MATHEWS CLOTHES The House of a Thousa11d Suits 603 Kay Street . (Opposite Breuner"s} SUITS - OVERCOATS SPORT COATS - SLACKS [ HN~~R:.,;~Rr;;~~~R~~~E ] In At ' A. M.-O'JT SAME DAY 505 EYE STREET PHONE 3-4936 SACRAMENTO [ . MANUEL JOSEPH ELECTRIC CENTER DISPLAYS PHONE 3-3937 1020 JAY ST. SACRAMENTO PRAYER HELD ~OR BROTHER DUCOLAN A prayer was held at the Temple of the Legionarios de! Trajajo, November 24, at 5 :30 p. m., in rnemory of Brother Ducolan, founder of the .local lodge who die.<! a year ago. Brother Ray Cabanela. presided. He called on Rev. VicePt" A. Zambra, for a reading of the Holy Scripture and prayer. Then Brother V. Quiaot. Brother Pasca~io and Brother Revnon spoke ki.ncl ine:nories of the thoughfulness of Brdther Ducolan. Ar the end of the prayer a meeting 11:as held at the lodge under the leadership of Brother Cabanela. NEVADA INVITES U. N. BOULDER CITY. :'-lev., Nov. 17The Boulder City Chamber of Commerce today invited the United Nations organization to make its permanent home here. [ . MERR} 1 ' 00 C 8 ,f 6 -T 1 Rh T5STRTEIE~T1AS mu/. ] A /-IA PPY NEW YEAR Phooe 3.9:5EE PH~::~~~o. CALIF. COMMERCIA!.. HOTE'. AND RESTAURANT l tt1/im1 and Steak Dinners · ' Telephone 3-3688 Emmett Regan, Owner Johnny Flynn, Mgr. ?rd and I STS., SACRAMENTO, CALIF. SACRAMENTO LOAN and JEWELRY co;· Money to Loon on Watches, Jewelry Expert Watch Repairing Unredeemed Pledges For Sole Wardrobe Trunks Our Specialty 531 Koy Street · Sacramento -11
A GIRL FOR MR. AND MRS. PETE ANTONIO llr. and llr>. Pete Antonio of \Voodland are proud parents. A baby boy was born September 2~th at \Voodland County hospital. Her name is Glenda Jo,·ce. Glenda and the mother are doing fi~e. PRESIDENT ROXAS REVEALS DEFENSE BASE PACT WITH UNITED STATES CAl-IP O'CONNEL, P. I., Nov. 30 -Philippine President l'1anuel A. Roxas declared todav in a National Heroes' Day address that an agreement has been reached permitting the United States to establish bases in the Islands for mutual defense. President Roxas was· speaking to the V nited States Army reformed division of the Philippine Scouts and at the course of his speech he said that "we have an agreement with the United States permitting her to establish bases here for mutual defense of our two countries." NITZ CUT RATE DRUG STORE 1230 4th Street SACRAMENTO GEORGE L. BERNOUDY TELEPHONE 3-888< 1111t/, 3rd ST., SACRAMENTO, CALIF. CAPITAL I LUMBER-WRECKING CO. Telephone 2-1525 431 North 12th STREET SACRAMENTO 15, CALIF. ~· PHILIPPINE DAMAGE CLAIMS TO BE ACCEPTED WASHI~GTON, !"\ov. 2-l-Philippine war damage commissioner officials say they will begin accepting claims in Manila after the first of the year. They accept between 900,000 and I 00,000 claims from both Filipinos and Americans. . The United States government will pay. for war damages whether they were caused by the Japanese or United States military forces. E. Desamito LICENSED AND DOMD'.;D FARM LABOR CONTRACTOR Phone 9-3679 Uconse No. L-28 RT. 3, BOX 350, SACRAMENTO, CALIF. D ~..,...~~ Co O.ME··:i;::~~~NG • KAl.FTONES c ··u y· s El£CTROTYPIS JlllC ETCHINGS DRAWINGS TELEPHONE 3-2748 916 SIXTH ST., SACRAMENTO, CALIF. WLIUS GENE CHICKEN SHACK HOME OF SOUTHERN FRIED CHICKEN SerfJetl witli [-lot Biscuits Lunch from 11 a. m. lo 2 p. m. 1324 3rd STREET, SACRAMENTO Phone 3-4368 -8
The Filipino Church Of Christ 1~14 Sixth Street, Sacramento, Calif. Sunday School. ......... .10:00 A. M. Morning Service.... . .... 11:00 A. M. Rev. Vic(':ite A. Zombro, Pastor Phone 2-7064 REASON MUST REPLACE FORCE, SAYS TRUMAN ~ FILIPINO COMMUNITY CHURCH ~ of Chicago ;u="U-:J'I Sc,..ool-10 o m., 1849 'W. Von Buren SI. I .Ye, ship St>rvict: 8 p. r:i,, Lawson Y.M.C.A., I jC W. Chicago Ave. i Re' B 0. Tol.o::nrino, Fostor l _Chicugo, Ill. Telephone ChHapeoke 2-378 4(, !'IE\'\T YORK.- President Truman, in a message to the ~ew York HeraldTribune, said last night that "None of us can bow to force but all must yield to reason, justice and fair play." The president whose letter was read in the forum's concluding session, added that "it is not the convictions of men ,;·hich are sacred but the freedom· of minds of free men in a free world which is sacred." \Chinese Church of Christ l Sunday Ser"icei 11.o•r-i"q S'"'~;~e ll:OOo. rr.. S 1ndo\' Schcol . . ..... .. 2:]0 p. m. E•l!r.i"lg Sc·v;:e . 7:30 p. m. Rev. S. W. KWOK, Pastor 519 N Street Phone 2-6760 Sacramento, California For SUNDAY SCHOOLS and CHURCHES r:te Sotau- to '1"411' ~'P~ ~ll.'HSII:~ (JJ".uiwu.~d~~~~~~--' New • Complete ' Vivid "Ch .. istmos Blessings" ... fo"IY nalural cola slides ... ca"'efully P"epored ••• slriclly Biblical in con lent.:. non· denominotionol in choroete-. Here is o complete prog om · eody for your immediate us~ Clhe"' sets of full· color Bible slides o ·e avoiloble lo enable you to build a complcle visual library lo your church educational prog ·om. W 1te o telephone lo colo ·ad desc iplive c1 culo and free copy of Prog•·am Guide for .. C.h 1stma1 Blessings". CAPITAL BOOK & BIBLE HOUSE PHONE 3-5836 1122 BTH STREET SACRAMENTO TRUMAN CALLS NATION TO BE THANKFUL TO DIVINE PROVIDENCE WASHINGTON, ~ov. 28-In a formal proclamation of Thanksgiving, President Truman .called upon the nation "to devoutly grateful to Divine Providence for the richness of our endowment and the many blessings received." "May we continue to give good account of our ste\\·ardship by utilizing our resources in the service of mankind," he said. He called upon the people "to observe rhis day by ofiering thanks to God for the bounties vouchased us and bv rededicating ourselves to the preserva"tion of the blessings of liberty envisaged by our forefathers in the preamble of the Constitution.'' MANILA STRIKE ENDS MANILA, Nov. 19-President Manuel Roxas announced today that l\tianila's strike of municipal laborers had been settled and a threatened general strikr averted. -13
RIZAL DAY DINNER AT COMMERCIAL HOTEL DEC. 28, AT 8 P. M. There will be a Rizal Day dinner at the Commercial Hotel. Third and Eye Streets, on December 28th, at S p. m., in honor of Dr. Jose Rizal hero and martyr of the Philippines. Dr. Rizal the man \\"ho laid the foundation of the Philippines .freedom and the man that put the tocsin that ended the Spanish Empire in the Philippines .. For reservation see ]. L. . Canseco, George :Uanigao, Pete }Jeamo, Pete Crystal or Rev. Vicente A. Zambra. The charge is $2.00, it's a turkey dinner. MEN'S WEAR STYLE AND QUALITY Phone 2·0251 1209 3rd STREET, SACRAMENTO ~ Co::~~~~~~:;~• ~~~::~;ce ] Gos, Oil, & Lubrication PHONE 2-4&80 ~ 1316 lrd Street B. T. Mitchell, Prop. !1~:11~ZPA~UZL~·s~M~E~N~·s~WZE~AZR~-~~., J 331 KAY STREET SACRAMENTO MR. AND MRS. JOHN V. ORINES ARE PROUD PARENTS }Ir. and :.Hrs, fohn V. Orines oi Somerton, A.rizona, a~e having another member added to their familv. His name is Ignacio. The baby was. born in Yuma hospital, June I 5. The baby boy and the mother are spending their vacation here in Sacramento, stopping at th~ Travelers Hotel. Mr. .Orines 1s employed in farming organizations in Arizona. ! LEON'S BARBER SHOP l Leon Mercado, Prop. 1204 3rd STREET SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA ·--------~ HOLLYWOOD STUDIO Specio./izinQ in Christmas Por!roits ·)·Day Servic'! · DIAL 4-2492 513 K ST. SACRAMENTO, CALIF. ROBINSON'S SHOE REPAIR ] For Those Who Wont lhe Best! Quick Service ond Reasonable Prices Hove Your Shoes Half Soled Today and look Like New! Sat1sfacrion Guaranteed 525 CAPITOL AVE. SACRAMENTO Fred Mangrubang & Miqual Yadao, Proprietors 1119 3RD STREET SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA "L" ST. LAUNDRY DRY CLEANING 311 L STREET ! FRED'S BARBER SHOP ] l -~ ~--------~ -10
GENERAL WALKOUT MAY ISOLATE ALL OF PHILIPPINES '.\IA~ILA. ~°'" 16-A. general walkout in sympathy with striking '.\lanila municipal laborers ha.< been approved Pn i "ma\' isolate the Philippines from the rest oi the world," '.\Ianuel lon~n. executi,·e secretan· oi the central° labor organization, said .toda,·. )o\·en told newsmen that the date fo~ the strike throughout the island was secret until organization details were completed. He indicated 100.000 workers would strike on such public sen·ices such as transport, water and power would be aficcted. ROXAS SENT THANKSGIVING GRl:ETING '.\IA~IL'\, ~o,-. 28-President '.\Ianuel Roxas in a Thanksgiving Dar message declared the Filipino people join the L' nited States in celebration, "for the freedom the,· ha,·e newh- won from their association ~\'ith America and for the hopes in the benefirient future of the roung rcpu blic." HUNTER DRUG CO. CUT R.-ITE DRUGGISTS YOU GET SERVICE, QUALITY and COURTESY HERE Tobarros, Lou:est Prices Phone 2-8725 201 J St., Sacramento, Calif. l SUN SUN CAFE CHOW MEIN AND NOODLES Specialty: A.II Kinds of Chi"ese Dishes to Toke Home 307 J ST. SACRAMENTO, CALIF. JUDGE RULES WOMAN MUST KEEP PLEDGE MADE IN MARRIAGE FRA~KFORT. Kr .. :>;o,-, 5-Jutlgc "'illiam B. Arden· denied a divorce to '.\I rs. Anna '.\ Iari· Bowen. Frankfort. who pleaded she h·ad made a "mistake": He penned across the face of her divorce p~tition: · "You cannot obtain a divorce in this court because \'Ou think vou made a mistake in ma~rring. Yo~ will make other mistakes and bear the consequences. In this particular instance you solemnly agreed to enter this relationship 'for b:tter or worse.' So be it." l SHELBY HARDWARE CO. l COMPLETE HARDWARE SERVICE Tools-Cutlery Househcld Goods-Sporting Goods Plumbing Supplies-Paints and Varnishes Phone J~2l71 514 l STREET SACRAMENTO El i M.4.NILA SHOE SHINE I I DAN CARBONA, Owner 1016 5th ST· ! SACRAMENTO -4
THAT'S TOO MUCH Ex-secretary of commerce, Henry A. \Vallace points out that 9+ per cent of every dollar Li ncle Sam expends goes to pay for past \rars. to care for \\·ar victims and to prepare for the next war. KUROKO STUDIO Sacramento CITY TAXI Phone 2-6955 The Creom and Block Cobs 100% Union "'Look for the Green light" 10271/2 SIXTH STREET SACRAMENTO Arrow Shirts Stetson Interwoven Sox . Corner Sth & Kay Streets SOUTH SIDE MOTOR CO. General Mechanical Service Complete Motor Overhaul Ports, Accessories Doy, Night Parking Phone 2-6898 "We Never Close" 516 L STREET SACRAMENTO ANIMALS TAKING TO CHURCH WILMINGTON, Del., Nov. 28Parishioners oi fashionable Christ Episcopal Church today revived a practice of Biblical da)'s by bringing live animals, canned goods, clothing and furniture to Thanksgiving services as gifts to the poor. International Barber Shop E·uko M. Cipriono, Proprietor It Pa.1•s lo Look ff/ ell 41 llAIN STREET P. 0. BOX 764. JS1 ETOM, CALIF. ! Ed. E. Noakes Typewriter Co. 11q J STREET DIAL 3-2449 SACRAMENTO, CALIF. BATAAN GROCERY 1401 4th STREET SACRAMENTO t LEE'S Fifth St. Used Clothing Store We buy and sell GOOD uied clothing Phone 2-HYO Residence l-2473 Entrance In Alley 1114A 5th St. (Basement). Sacramento BRIGHT SPOT MARKETS 230 L STREET, PHONE 3-2688 430 N STREET, PHONE 2.5qq1 Socromento, California -9
The Filipino Church Of Christ 1~14 Sixth Street, Sacramento, Calif. Sunday School. ......... .10:00 A. M. Morning Service.... . .... 11:00 A. M. Rev. Vic(':ite A. Zombro, Pastor Phone 2-7064 REASON MUST REPLACE FORCE, SAYS TRUMAN ~ FILIPINO COMMUNITY CHURCH ~ of Chicago ;u="U-:J'I Sc,..ool-10 o m., 1849 'W. Von Buren SI. I .Ye, ship St>rvict: 8 p. r:i,, Lawson Y.M.C.A., I jC W. Chicago Ave. i Re' B 0. Tol.o::nrino, Fostor l _Chicugo, Ill. Telephone ChHapeoke 2-378 4(, !'IE\'\T YORK.- President Truman, in a message to the ~ew York HeraldTribune, said last night that "None of us can bow to force but all must yield to reason, justice and fair play." The president whose letter was read in the forum's concluding session, added that "it is not the convictions of men ,;·hich are sacred but the freedom· of minds of free men in a free world which is sacred." \Chinese Church of Christ l Sunday Ser"icei 11.o•r-i"q S'"'~;~e ll:OOo. rr.. S 1ndo\' Schcol . . ..... .. 2:]0 p. m. E•l!r.i"lg Sc·v;:e . 7:30 p. m. Rev. S. W. KWOK, Pastor 519 N Street Phone 2-6760 Sacramento, California For SUNDAY SCHOOLS and CHURCHES r:te Sotau- to '1"411' ~'P~ ~ll.'HSII:~ (JJ".uiwu.~d~~~~~~--' New • Complete ' Vivid "Ch .. istmos Blessings" ... fo"IY nalural cola slides ... ca"'efully P"epored ••• slriclly Biblical in con lent.:. non· denominotionol in choroete-. Here is o complete prog om · eody for your immediate us~ Clhe"' sets of full· color Bible slides o ·e avoiloble lo enable you to build a complcle visual library lo your church educational prog ·om. W 1te o telephone lo colo ·ad desc iplive c1 culo and free copy of Prog•·am Guide for .. C.h 1stma1 Blessings". CAPITAL BOOK & BIBLE HOUSE PHONE 3-5836 1122 BTH STREET SACRAMENTO TRUMAN CALLS NATION TO BE THANKFUL TO DIVINE PROVIDENCE WASHINGTON, ~ov. 28-In a formal proclamation of Thanksgiving, President Truman .called upon the nation "to devoutly grateful to Divine Providence for the richness of our endowment and the many blessings received." "May we continue to give good account of our ste\\·ardship by utilizing our resources in the service of mankind," he said. He called upon the people "to observe rhis day by ofiering thanks to God for the bounties vouchased us and bv rededicating ourselves to the preserva"tion of the blessings of liberty envisaged by our forefathers in the preamble of the Constitution.'' MANILA STRIKE ENDS MANILA, Nov. 19-President Manuel Roxas announced today that l\tianila's strike of municipal laborers had been settled and a threatened general strikr averted. -13
TYPHOON KILLS 260 PERSONS IN THE PHILIPPINES _\I_-\:-; I LA. - Presidential Secrctarv Emilio Ab.Ito \"esterday reported 260 urban deaths i1; a dis~strous typhoon 1·.·hich struck the Isobela Plain oi '.\' egros bland. :\ovember 12. and unofiicial estimate placed the total as high as 500. :\o deaths oi American personnel \\"ere reported_ The _\lanila Bulletin said at least 500 persons were missirg and feared drowned. a,; hean· iloods followed the terrific "·inds. Sor;1e villages \\"ere demolished. :\Jany sectors oi the lsabela Plain re•1ained under water yesterday_ MARINES CLEARED BY FILIPINO INQUIRY _\JA:\'ILA, '.':ov. 17 -The presidential palace today published a report by Representative Ramon _\Jagsaysay 'upporting Filipino charges of manhandling by lJ nited States _\Iarine guards .or Olongapo '.\'a val Base but stating that '"these were isolated cases, not following ~:1y set pattern." The representative, \\"ho conducted an investigation, had found three Filipino civilians who said thev were handled roughly hy the -''larin;s but that they had nor brought it to the attention of _-\::1erican authorities. WILLET & KINT ANA UNION .SERVICE Lubrication rire Repairing 601 L STREET NAVLET FLOWER SHOP "Say it with flowers" TENTH & L STREETS STORE PHONES: 3-3989-3-3980 FISH IGNORE CLERGY COOS BAY, Oregon-Five m1n1sters, and a missionary from \Vest Africa went fishing in the bay. They did not even get a nibble. "Sirs, you don't liv..right," has been the good naturrd taunt fro:n the members of their flock. 18,000 FILIPINOS DIE YC:ARL Y OF BERIBERI Dr. Robert \Villiams, guest scientist oi the Philippine government, rrvralcd that 18,000 Filipinos die yearly of beriberi in his speech made recently at th<' Philippine Central College, at Jaro, I!iolo, Philippines. Dr. Williams declared, "that the lack of vitamin BI" is t!:e root of the trouble. Dr. \Villiams is investigating for the Philippine government a method to fortify the vitamins in rice. MANY ARE RELIGIOUS :\'E\V YORK-An estimated 50 per cent oi the United States population are church members. I']_ -- -~--1'1 CAPITAL J.EWERLY 011'/,\0NDS i,:r WATCHES i,:r RADIOS Old Gold Bought WATCH REPAIRING PHONE 3-4330 62S J Street Sacramento CITY DYE WORKS Stc:.rilizing 'f:i Moth Proofing ~ Cleaning . Upholstered Furniture, Rugs, Mattresses PHONE 2-4431 1217 5th St., Sacramento -12