The American Chamber of Commerce Journal
- Title
- The American Chamber of Commerce Journal
- Description
- Published monthly by The American Chamber of Commerce of the Philippine Islands, entered as second class matter, May 25, 1921 at the Post Office at Manila, P. I.
- Issue Date
- Volume 9 (Issue No. 7) July 1929
- Year
- 1929
- Language
- English
- Item sets
- The American Chamber of Commerce Journal
- Media
American Chamber of Commerce Journal Vol. 9, No.7 (July 1929)
From Governor Davis's inaugural speech (Manila, July 8, 1929)
Things Gilmore has got done in the Philippines
Leonard Wood's vision: leprosy eradication
Tariff making without method
Useful plants in foreign lands
Welcome, Governor Davis!
Business as usual
Farther North
One decade for ten
Four best Manila newspapers June editorials
Babe and the moon
Recent developments in life insurance practice
Origins of the Roman Catholic Church
A triumph of the cross over majesty
The modern muse [poem]
Just a word on Shannon's work in Manila
Three more poems by Gilbert S. Perez
Tobacco review, Alhambra Cigar and Cigarette Manufacturing Co.
From one friend to another
Temperament [verse]
Haphazard studies in the English language
Rail commodity movements
Shipping review
Franciscan missions in Samar: forward on the Mission Trail
Real estate
June sugar review
Review of the exchange market
Review of the Hemp market
Copra and its products
The rice industry
Principal exports