The Young Citizen: The Magazine for Young People
- Title
The Young Citizen: The Magazine for Young People
- Issue Date
- Volume 1 (Issue No. 1) February 1935
- Year
- 1935
- Language
- English
- Media
Young Citizen
A Banquet in Japan
A carabao cigarette and ash holder
Are you collecting stamps?
Arthur Greenwood - the brightest boy living
Aunt Julia's Corner
Bayani and Princess Lawin : a legend
Blanca and the old couple
Book Chats
Carnival time
Cut outs - easy way of making them
Do you know that.
What do you know about nature?
How to say it?
Pastolay and the Monkey
Pen and pencil circle
The boyhood of Jose Burgos
The life of a shell
The Sampaguita
The whale - giant of the sea
You hands and your health