The Young Citizen: The Magazine for Young People
- Title
- The Young Citizen: The Magazine for Young People
- Issue Date
- Volume 1 (Issue No. 11) December 1935
- Year
- 1935
- Language
- English
- Media
The Young Citizen: The Magazine for Young People
A cave
A little doll's story
An unexpected
Books to read
Christmas deed
Christmas is coming
Cubbing in the Philippines (among the boy scouts)
Emilio Jacinto (our nation's heroes)
Great men's thoughts about mother
If mother were away
Jose Rizal - his last hours
Limbas (Safety section)
Melinda (a story)
Mother Nature's Christmas Tree
My Mother
Pacita's Christmas tree (little stories for little people)
Pen and Pencil
Rufo's christmas gift
The anchovies or dilis
The eldest of eight (a mother's day story)
The great bell of Peking
The new home (The adventures of a beggar boy)
The spirit of giving
The star of Bethlehem
The unexpected Christmas gift
Where Christ was born
The wonderful organ