The Bicol Star
- Title
- The Bicol Star
- Issue Date
- Year 35, Volume 33 (Issue No. 50) December 14, 1968
- Year
- 1968
- Language
- English
- Filipino
- Spanish
- Item sets
- The Bicol Star
- Media
The Bicol Star
Sen. Padilla is guest speaker in Naga City Anniversary Program Tomorrow
Obispo Ariola can Legazpi nagbutas sa puesto
Empleados sa corporaciones can gobierno sacop can ley nin servicio civil
Gov. Cledera demands investigation, requests Secretary Salas for open investigation regarding logs scandal here
An hagad ni Rep. Felipe dai pa maootob ta mayo nin cuarta an gobierno
Partial Review
Condemned narcotics destroyed
Monkey Business
Funds for rice price support
W.H.O. to established Health Institute of Public Health for V'nam
Legal notices
The Star Witness: FM cabinet, no place for Bicolanos?
Three U.S. astronauts to circle moon next month
WHO seminar on venereal diseases control
Si Compuesto an pamayo kan federacion kan PTA
PFM creates trust fund for private education
Marcos ready to grant individual pardon to Huks
Impose control or die
Progress in freedom
Communists stepped up terrorism: 213 civilians killed, 96 wounded by terrorists in 2 weeks
The Filipinos should understand their geographical position [editorial]
FM bares his policy on Central Luzon problem