Budget for 1937 of the Commonwealth of the Philippines


Budget for 1937 of the Commonwealth of the Philippines
Submitted by the President of the Philippines to the National Assembly
Issue Date
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
Budget for 1937 of the Commonwealth of the Philippines
Special Message of President Manuel Quezon to the National Assembly on June 23, 1936
Resume of the budget for 1937
General Comparative Statement
Diagram of estimated income for 1937 and Sources thereof
Detailed Statement of Ordinary Income
Detailed Statement of Extraordinary Income
Statement of collections by bureaus and offices
Diagram of Proposed Expenditures for 1937 shown by Departments having Jurisdiction thereon
Summary of Expenditures Shown by Departments, Offices and Funds
Diagram of Proposed Expenditures for 1937 showing the Purposes for which they are to be used
Summary of Expenditures Classified by Functions
Diagram of proposed expenditures for 1937 showing the nature thereof
Summary of Expenditures Shown by Budget Classification
Detailed Statement of Expenditures: National Assembly
Detailed Statement of Expenditures: National Library
Detailed Statement of Expenditures: Resident Commissioner to the United States
Detailed Statement of Expenditures: Bureaus and Offices under the Direct Control of the President of the Philippines
Detailed Statement of Expenditures - Philippine Army
Detailed Statement of Expenditures - Department of the Interior
Detailed Statement of Expenditures - Department of Finance
Detailed Statement of Expenditures - Department of Justice
Detailed Statement of Expenditures - Department of Agriculture and Commerce
Detailed Statement of Expenditures - Department of Public Works and Communications
Detailed Statement of Expenditures - Department of Public Instruction
Detailed Statement of Expenditures - Department of Labor
Detailed Statement of Expenditures - Supreme Court
Detailed Statement of Expenditures – Court of Appeals
Detailed Statement of Expenditures – University of the Philippines
General Provisions Proposed for the 1937 Appropriation Bill
Appendix - Reimbursable Funds
Appendix - Bond Funds
Appendix - Fiduciary Funds